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Think of us as your fairy matchmakers who will turn your pumpkin into a town car and introduce you to the most eligible, successful men in the land.  Instead of relying on online dating or your worn out social circle of friends-of-friends, we are happy to introduce you to ours, which happens to include hand-picked, attractive, successful, and financially stable men (who have been interviewed, Background Checked, and Social Media checked). We only work with incredible men who are genuinely looking for a relationship.

Our Bachelorettes Memberships


We understand how difficult the dating scene can be.  It can often feel like Prince Charming is nowhere to be found. He certainly is not the guy who just propositioned you on Tinder, and you have been on one too many dates with socially-awkward men who look nothing like their dashing photos online.


That is where we come in. Think of us as your fairy matchmakers who will turn your pumpkin into a town car and introduce you to the most eligible, successful men in the land. Instead of relying on your lovely yet worn out social circle of friends-of-friends, we are happy to introduce you to ours, which happens to include hand-picked, attractive, successful, and stable men (who have been interviewed, Background Checked, and Social Media checked). They are eager to settle down with an amazing woman just like you.


Our standards are extremely high for any Bachelorette who we work with because, as women, we know what you are looking for, and we understand that you deserve your happily ever after with a man who is on the same page as you. Just like your girlfriends, our goal is to see you happy and fulfilled in a romantic, long-term relationship and make the classic fairy tale ‘happily ever after’ your reality.


There are two ways of working with us.  One is passive, and one is active.


Option #1: A Basic Bachelorettes Membership

The passive way of working with us is to become a Basic Bachelorette. A Basic Bachelorette is essentially a Bachelorette who is a part of our private database, and then is eligible to be matched with one of our Priority Members (aka our male Clients, who are AMAZING to say the least). You are interviewed, background checked, and a social media checked upon entry. Our database is for our Matchmakers only, and is totally confidential. 

It is $100 to be a Basic Bachelorette, and while there are no guaranteed matches as a Basic Bachelorette because it is solely based on the Priority Bachelors who we are working with during the year-long duration of your membership, which is why a lot of women elect to do a Priority Membership.


Option #2: A Priority Membership

A Priority Membership is the core of what we do. If this is YOUR YEAR to find love, this is the membership for you. As a Priority Bachelorette, you are essentially like "The Bachelorette" only without the cameras. 

Working with our team is definitely a love-life changing decision, and we are so excited that you are thinking of working with us.  When you sign up, the first thing that you do is your in-person Best Match Interview and Personality Assessment with your assigned Matchmaker.  During this in-depth, private, one-on-one meeting with your Matchmaker, she will learn all about you: from who you find attractive in the public eye, to your favorite travel memories, to how many children you want to have.


After your Best Match Interview and Personality Assessment, we have an internal preparation phase where we assess and then aggregate all of the potential matches for you as a team.  We identify key character and personality traits that would compliment yours, outline the physical aesthetic that you find attractive, and create a prototype of what an ideal partner would be based on our analysis, observations, and assessments.  We look at all of these different qualities and then confer with our team to develop a plan of action to find what we are looking for.


Depending on the Priority Member who we are scouting for, our team goes to targeted events around town (i.e. a Lawyers and Philharmonic Society event, a Doctors Without Borders Event, a Fashion Week Show, etc.), all with the sole purpose of finding and meeting the attractive, successful, single men in the room who fit within the parameters of our ideal match for you.


In addition to having an in-house recruitment element of our jobs, the Matchmaking industry is extremely tight-knit and collaborative, and we partner with a number of the top Matchmakers around the world.  We notify our partners of what we are looking for, and see if their Clients fit the bill.  We also take a look at our internal private database of Members to see if your ideal partner is already doing a membership with us!


Once we have a number of prospects lined up for interviews, the actual matchmaking begins!  We interview, background check, and social media check each Member, and ultimately select your matches based on this process.  It’s absolutely a team effort, a methodical process, and one that is as old-school as it gets.


Once we have made our selection of your best match, we plan every detail of the date.  If you are anything like our Members, you are a busy person, so we take care of selecting a location and cross referencing your schedules so that you do not have to go back and forth with each other.  Once we have made all of the preparations, you will meet your match and enjoy getting to know each other!  After each one of your dates, you will have a private Date Coaching meeting with your Matchmaker to make sure that we are troubleshooting everything throughout your experience with us.  We are on your team and are always making sure that your feedback is being heard and implemented as we select your upcoming matches.  We also love to consult you throughout the process; we may get important feedback from one of your matches that may help you to have more successful dates as we move forward.  All of the Matchmakers here are compassionate, caring, and truly have your best interest in mind.

Priority Membership payment plans begin at $5,300.  When you book in your meeting with one of our Matchmakers, we will go through all of the different options with you.


We are excited to meet you.  We know that this is a new and different way of doing things, but after seven years of business, countless marriages, and even a few Matchmakers In The City babies, we know that this works. 





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Matchmakers In The City

9465 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 300

Beverly Hills, CA 90212

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