By: Cristina Conti, Matchmaker
Happy Valentine’s Day! Although it is wonderful to have a day dedicated to love, it can be trying for singles. Amidst the constant parade of roses, chocolates, and couples holding hands, it seems like the whole world has already fallen in love. It is enough to set any Romantic’s heart aflutter with a quiet wish to be able to share these special moments with that special someone. It is even enough to persuade some to compromise for the wrong someone.
But do not despair! If you are single, be thankful. You have already taken the first step to falling in love: to be free from the wrong one. Instead of falling into the pit of self-pity, focus on positive steps to open yourself to the right person. Use this day to make love a priority in your life. Even clearing out one night a week for dating will be a small step to letting romantic love into your life. When you set aside time for dating, you begin your journey to find love and prepare yourself to meet the right person.That’s where we can help you! Through background checks and highly-personalized matches, we cut out the time many people spend weeding out the bad ones to give you more time to cultivate relationships with the right ones.
Another piece of advice that we give to our Clients is to write a list of 5 inner qualities that you must have in a serious partner. Keep it next to your bedside table to reflect on with time. Although we believe that physical attraction is a necessity, this practice will allow you to discover what other qualities you value highly in a match.Our trainings focus on opening our Clients to love and then setting them up with people who possess the qualities that they prize.
Contact me at to set up a complimentary Consultation so that you can begin the adventure of finding your sweetheart.
Love your Matchmaker,

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